Let's do some improv!

Challenge your brain with theatrical improvisation! The best way to train our brains is to challenge them. Let’s get in the moment and create things from pure scratch! In other words – let’s improvise!

fit ur brain!

fit Ur Brain!

Break your barriers through improv

The best way to train our brains is to challenge them. Let’s get in the moment and create things from pure scratch! In other words – let’s improvise!

Improv exercises and games will not only make your head work faster but they will also teach you how to react in the moment and make you open up for the full range of new solutions. The best thing in improv theatre is that there are no mistakes – only new beginnings and acceptance. Plus…a huge injection of endorphins!

The course will be conducted fully in English, so it is also an opportunity for those who are afraid to speak in this language to gain more confidence in this matter. Do not worry – what we are not able to say, we can always show!

I am not a native English speaker myself but I would love to share with you my passion for both improv theatre and English, with all of its international variations.



Magda Stefanik – workshop leader

When? More information soon!

If you have a question – please contact us!